March 2019 Newsletter


March 2019

Recently, my husband, Tom, and I attended a fundraising event for Star of Hope, as the guests of some of our friends. It was a wonderful evening with testimonials of some of the people who have been helped by this important ministry in our community. It inspired many of us in attendance to take out our checkbooks to help support this work. God is all about doing some amazing healing through the efforts of the dedicated workers of Star of Hope. All of this was a powerful reminder to me about the need to go where God leads us and to do what He puts on our hearts to do in the Kingdom work we are all called to during our journey through this life, on our way to our eternal reward.

Earlier in the same week, I was blessed to hear a local businessman give his testimony at a luncheon, telling of how God had impacted his life in some truly remarkable ways, sharing how his business mission statement begins with a commitment to “Honor God in All We Do.” I was also, in the same week, present at a Prayer Breakfast, and heard from some of our local politicians about how God is inspiring their governmental leadership to cause them to desire to glorify Him, as they remain obedient to His call, even in the face of some strong opposition.

The point is that, even though the culture in which we live can seem somewhat out of step with God’s will and God’s plans for us, there are still some people and some places where His directives to us are, indeed, getting through! There are some among us who are listening – and responding in obedience. The beauty of what comes from this obedience is something to behold! Lives are changed, blessings abound, God’s people get healed and God is glorified.

It seems that the Creator of the universe delights in blessing us – in healing our brokenness. In the call we have answered at A Future and a Hope Ministries, we see, first hand, where God is at work, as He heals and restores lives that may have once seemed beyond hope.

As we prepare to make a critical “next step,” moving into the new counseling facility that God – through Windwood’s love and generosity – is building for us, it gives us great reason to celebrate and be encouraged. We are encouraged to keep moving forward to work alongside Him and one another in the healing process of those who come, seeking the peace, joy and wholeness God has always planned for each one of us.

As we continue this work, it has become apparent that we cannot do this alone. First and foremost, we need God’s help and encouragement, grace, and blessings. We need the love and support of our family of faith. – And we need partners, to come alongside us, providing the opportunity to continue to deliver the care and hope and healing that are essential to that life God has planned for His people. To that end, we are busy putting the final planning details on our Second Annual AFAH Golf Tournament! This year we will hold this event at the beautiful High Meadow Ranch Golf Club on May 13, 2019, with a start time of 8:30 AM!

High Meadow Golf Club House

High Meadow Golf Club House

In particular, we are looking for sponsor-partners and individuals and teams to sign up to play, enjoy fellowship, all the while supporting this important work God is doing in our community.

His love is all around us – Our challenge to help make us ready to receive the joy and peace of this life, is to notice His many blessings of love – even in our struggles and the pain that this life can often bring us.

Friends, have hope and trust in the Love that saves us and provides for us – this spring season, and always!

. . . And have a blessed Easter and spring!

Blessings and joy,


April 2019 Newsletter


February 2019 Newsletter