October 2019 Newsletter


October 2019

Have you ever stopped to consider the absolute blessing we have been given in the gift of family? – Now, I know that there are families of many variations. There are traditional families, nuclear families, extended families, single-parent families, reconstituted families, step families, grandparent families and childless families, and that doesn’t even include the ‘family of believers!’ You may find that somewhat interesting – or you may know some of these family types that exist in our 21st century American culture. 

According to some of the references I consulted, family structure in the United States has transformed significantly in recent years. The traditional family structure in the United States is considered a family support system involving two married individuals providing care and stability for their biological offspring. However, this two-parent, nuclear family has become less prevalent, and alternative family forms have become more common. The family is created at birth and establishes ties across generations. Those generations, the extended family of aunts, uncles, grandparents, and cousins, can hold significant emotional and economic roles for the nuclear family. 

Family is a group of individuals, with similar emotional, moral and spiritual values that are bound together by a common love of one another, providing support and nurture to one another. Using that definition, families are seen in the many forms mentioned above. In Acts 3:25, we are told, “You are the sons of the prophets and of the covenant that God made with your fathers, saying to Abraham, ‘And in your offspring shall all the families of the earth be blessed.’” The blessing spoken of here is in the very sense of belonging that is part of the essential human needs we all experience. 

Love and belonging is that sense of peace we have as we feel “gotten” and “accepted” for who we are – and that is the way we are connected to our God. Because of His love for us, as His children, God has given us the blessing of covenant community known as “family.” It is one of the sources of strength that carries us through the challenges of this life, which can serve to rob us of the peace and joy that has always been God’s plan for His people. 

In her book, Daring Greatly, Brené Brown says, “Because true belonging only happens when we present our authentic, imperfect selves to the world, our sense of belonging can never be greater than our level of self-acceptance.” – But how do we love and accept who we are? What we have seen in our work with the people we minister to at A Future and a Hope Counseling, it begins with a clear understanding and acceptance of who God says we are. In order to “live the victorious Christian life you must believe what is already true about you – what God says about you!” (from Neill Anderson in Victory Over the Darkness)

The problem for many of us is that we tend to listen to what the world says about who we are, which is often fueled by the enemy. Anderson goes on to say, “Will you have opposition to believing this truth? Of course! The father of lies (see John 8:44) has deceived the whole world (see Rev. 12:9), and he accuses the brethren day and night (see 12:10). If that isn’t enough, others will put you down. We have to keep reminding ourselves of these positional truths.” 

. . .So, what is the remedy to overcome the forces all around us that can interfere with what God has planned for us? First, it’s knowing God – not just knowing about God, but knowing God on a personal level – and who He says we are. Family, in all its forms, is one of means available to keep a clear and honest perspective and being able to see ourselves as God sees us. 

In traveling to Switzerland, we met many people from many cultures and ethnicity, as Switzerland is bordered by France, Italy, Germany, Austria and Liechtenstein, not to mention the travelers, like us, from other cultures. The common thread was in the areas where we are ‘family’ in our shared common values and beliefs. In attending worship while in Zermatt, Switzerland, there were no barriers to the covenant connection we share as children of God. 

We pray you experience the joy of the families God has given to you, and receive His blessings.  It is His plan for His family of believers!


November 2019 Newsletter


September 2019 Newsletter