November 2021 Newsletter


Well, it’s that time of year! . . .No! -- I’m not talking about the holiday season. I’m talking about the season of community and connection. Come on! — Don’t you also feel that we have been separated and isolated for way too long?

I realize that things are slowly moving in a more ‘normal’ direction in some parts of our country (Houston Texas, for example), but sadly many areas of our country continue to live in some extreme conditions for the purpose of “safety and protection.”

Now, I don’t mean to come across as judgmental – and I am not taking a political stand on these issues. I understand that there are powers in charge in some areas of our country that, for perhaps valid reasons, have mandated rules and restrictions of how we are to relate to one another. I do, however, question some of the motives and focus. Do you also ask yourself, why are we putting so much emphasis on extreme measures to protect our health – even sacrificing our opportunities to connect and relate to one another? Hasn’t it always been God’s plan that we love and connect in our covenant relationships with our God and each other?  

In the Book of Mark, we are given a reminder of God’s perspective on the issue of man-made laws over His intent for His people as it refers to our relationship and interactions with one another. It says “And he said to them, “The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. So the Son of Man is lord even of the Sabbath.” (Mark 2:27-28 ESV)

The point here is that it seems that our focus may be somewhat misdirected and may possibly be interfering with God’s design for our relationships.

Friends, we seem to have forgotten how to relate and interact with one another in the blessing of covenant connection vs. the Laws, rules and restrictions that we now live by. Certainly, both are important. The issue is in putting these in an order that honors God’s plans for us.

As counselors, we are seeing the fallout of some of the problems that are caused by this dilemma day after day - in all ages and stages of falling short in our efforts of living together and loving one another.

The question before us, I believe, is are we missing the mark? Are we errant in our focus of what’s most important – what God’s plan and desire for His people is and has always been? Taking care of ourselves and protecting our health and the health of our loved ones is a noble goal. There is no argument about that. We have learned many important lessons during the pandemic. Some of those lessons include taking responsibility for our own good health and not taking it for granted, placing greater value on the gift of the Body of Christ and all the ways that these covenant connections bless us, adding meaning, purpose and richness to our lives.

As we enter this year’s holiday season, it is our prayer for each of you that you do, indeed, take good care of your health and the heath of your loved ones – and that you measure and balance that goal against the goal of enjoying the blessings of those special people God has given you to help you celebrate the joy of this season.

We wish you a Blessed and Happy Thanksgiving as you give God the glory for the many joys of your life and the season!

In His love and by His grace,

Rev. Dr. Pat Ryan

On behalf of the A Future and a Hope Counseling Ministry Team


December 2021 Newsletter


March 2021 Newsletter