December 2019 Newsletter


December 2019

Is it just me, or are you also feeling that time is passing at a breakneck speed?  I don’t know about you, but, to me, It just doesn’t seem possible that the calendar has already advanced to that time of the year where we are looking at our celebrations of the Christmas holiday, the end of another calendar year, and plans for the upcoming year! As I speak to others, I don’t think I am alone in my thoughts about this. From my own perspectve, I think it is a reflection of the busyness of our lives in the twenty-first century culture we live in. Life just keeps happening, and because of our over-scheduled, over-committed, over-the-top busyness, we sometimes can miss things – and forget to pause, relax and enjoy the blessings. 

The Christmas season holds many opportunities for drawing closer to God, because of the gift of His Son, Jesus Christ. It’s also a time to revel in the warmth of the gift of family and friends – and the Body of Christ, as this is another special gift from our loving heavenly Father. Sadly, it can also be a time of stress – because of the busyness – but also because of the sorrow and pain of missing some of those loved ones who had gone on to their final reward. 

Some of the stress relievers that can make a HUGE difference in how we can enjoy what God has given us are outlined here. In truth, according to the American Psychological Association, somewhere in the neighborhood 69 – 70% of People experience stress during the Christmas and New Year holidays – in spite of all the potential for joy and good cheer!


Of course no times in our daily lives are perfect – and imperfections seem to magnify during the holidays. Yet we have at our disposal the gift of taking everything to God in prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving. You may recognize that that comes from the Book of Philippians because it does! That is, by the way, another tip to de-stress: Draw closer to God through the blessing of His Words to us for guidance and direction in the Bible. This same passage from Philippians, which can be found in Chapter 4, verses 4 through 7, tells us to be anxious for nothing. 


It may be a little late for this year’s Christmas shopping, as the merry month of December is already upon us – but there is still time to make plans for many of the other things that can cause stress. For instance, how you will celebrate, where you will worship (and at what time), what you and your loved ones would like to eat for your celebration, at who’s home you will gather to celebrate and when gifts will be shared. These are minor elements of the Christmas holiday, but left unplanned and communicated, can cause great stress. Developing a plan and sticking to it, can be just the right answer for dealing with that stress.


Many of us can get so caught up in doing for others during the Christmas holiday. That we forget to care for ourselves. Being aware that “one more Christmas Cookie” or laying on the couch watching our favorite Christmas movie for the umpteenth time, may be enjoyable the short time, but there is much more to be gained by going on a brisk walk, a run or a bike ride – that also serves as a good stress reliever. Learning to say no and drawing boundaries when you’re tired is another form of self-care. 


The saying goes, that “Jesus is the reason for the season.” I know it sounds a bit cliché, and there is a GREAT blessings contained in that saying – because it’s true! “For God so loved the World that He sent His only begotten Son. . .” is reason enough to celebrate – and enjoy a stress-free Christmas!

From all of us at A Future and a Hope Counseling Ministry, to all of you, MERRY CHRISTMAS – And a HAPPY NEW YEAR!


January 2020 Newsletter


November 2019 Newsletter